Against the stunning backdrop of Russia’s easternmost peninsula of Kamchatka, we spend seven months following two brown bear mothers and observing their cubs in the first and most eventful year of their lives.
The wildlife sanctuary on Russia’s easternmost peninsula of Kamchatka is considered a bear’s paradise. Thanks to its large red salmon stocks, countless brown bears spend their summer and autumn here, where they find food in abundance. For seven months, we follow two mother bears and their newborns: Masha with her four cubs and Tesla with her two. We accompany them from April, when the bears awaken from their winter slumber and migrate to Lake Kuril in the middle of the Kamchatka peninsula, where they find salmon, until November, when they return to their winter domicile in the mountains. We observe the cubs in the first and most eventful year of their lives and we watch them discover the world, as they learn to avoid dangers and find their own food. Whether the cubs are hunting or playing, their mothers are always close at hand and ready to defend their young. The film offers a fascinating insight into the lives of the peninsula’s inhabitants against a stunning natural backdrop.